Saturday, September 26, 2009

Baby Bennett is a.................

Shawn and Katie came with me to my second scan yesterday. After a few minutes of looking at the baby and making sure all was good, the tech told us that it was a boy. I saw her put XY on the screen, and I knew what that meant! Katie was the first to notice that he was a boy. In between the two femur bones was a white line. The tech was 100% positive that it was a boy, and she showed us the proof! When the Dr. came in, she pulled up some 3D pictures of the baby. I really got a good look at his face. I think he already looks just like his dad. It's pretty hilarious! Right now she guesstimated his weight at 5 oz.

We are so excited and look forward to baby boy shopping. Katie and I hit baby Gap yesterday for some "day we found out you were a boy" clothes!

Monday, September 21, 2009

How fast a year goes by

Yesterday I realized that I have been living in NYC for a year. I have to say that it was the fastest year of my life. I would chalk that up to the crazy pace of life and endless things to do here in the city. With Baby Bennett on the way, I can only imagine that this next year will go by even faster. We have been able to do so many great things in the City, and I'm looking forward to the new adventures to come!

Don't worry the above pictures are all from our first few months here in NYC. No beer for the baby! :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Baby and the City

I figured it is time to tell the blog world that Shawn and I are expecting our first baby in March. When we found out we were pretty shocked, but we were so happy! I was able to tell a few friends and a lot of my dad's family in person on our West Coast trip. It was so fun to see people's reactions. This will be the first grand baby for mine and Shawn's families!

It has been a rough month and a half for me, but I'm starting to feel better and am excited to get out and enjoy the city again. I found a great Dr. on the Upper East Side. The whole office has been great, and I've been very impressed by the whole staff. For the most part I have been on my way to see the Dr. right at my appointment time, which is such a welcome change from normal doctor's offices. We went in for our first scan last week. The pictures were incredibly clear, and I was totally amazed with all of the details we could see....arms, legs, heartbeat, etc.

First thing on our list is to find a bigger apartment. The baby probably won't have its own room, but we'll make a baby zone instead! We found a place that is only a few blocks from where we live now and only a half block to Central Park. We are so excited to meet our baby in March! Many more updates to come!