Friday, March 25, 2011

Birthday Party

We had an awesome birthday party for Nolan at Southern Hospitality. It was so fun to celebrate with our friends and my sister for our little man's 1st. Birthday.

He loved the pulled pork and chicken sliders. This kid even ate ribs!
All of Nolan's little buddies showed up for the main event!
The second round of cupcakes was the winner. When we were singing he was so happy and clapping, but when it was melt down. He had to have a little break before he actually ate the cupcake. If blogger was more user friendly and timely with their video loading, I would post the video. Sorry!
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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

He's 1

It is such a bazaar feeling to have your baby turn 1. It seems almost impossible for 365 days to go by so quickly. This has been the most exciting, emotional, fun year of my life. From 7 pounds 7 ounces to 24 pounds and a thousand pounds of personality!

His signing is so much better than before. He can even sign when I give him just verbal ques. His favorites are; hi, bye, blowing kisses, all done, drink and his number one, hungry.

He is also saying, mama, dada, papa, wow, this, that, go, fish, dog, duck (with a quack,) ball (a lot of the time ball sounds like gall.) Go is still his favorite word. He says go, go, go when I put his coat on. He also yells YO YO YO for Yo Gabba Gabba. He is also experimenting with a bunch of other words and is really good at mimicking, but I'm still trying to figure out what he's saying!!

We took away the bottle last week, and he seriously could care less. As long as he gets his milk, he'll take it in any container. It has been so nice to not have to do a separate load of dishes just for bottles (the simple joys of less dishwashing when you have no dishwasher!)

Nolan has no fear at the playground and has now gone down the slide HEAD first over a dozen times. I can't leave his side or turn my head for even half a second with this little dare devil!
We had an amazing day filled with all kinds of NYC spots. We went to FAO Schwarz to pick out a few toys. Nolan loved it and could not get enough of all the amazing toys and big kids!

From there we headed over to lunch at The Plaza Hotel. They have this great restaurant in the basement, Todd English Food Hall. We had fancy Mac n' cheese, Kobe pastrami and the trout special.

After his nap we met a couple of friends at Magnolia Bakery for Nolan's first cupcake. He loved it and was totally jacked on sugar!

Auntie Katie came over for an Italian dinner or gnocchi with red sauce and fresh motzerella, pretzel bread and salad. Nolan ate every bite!

We love you so much little man. You've truly made this the best year of my life.

P.S. In the top picture he's holding up #1. All day I would say, "How old are you? Are you one?" and he would hold up 1 finger. It was so cute!