Sunday, May 30, 2010

DC Wedding

My cousin Aaron got married in Washington D.C. last weekend. We rode the train from NYC to DC. The baby was great on the way down. We stayed a great hotel, but unfortunately I was sick, sick, sick. On Friday after I could not eat or drink, and I ended up in minor medical and had an IV drip and IV antibiotics. I had double tonsillitis, strep and shingles. The good news is I was up and at 'em the next day and was able to make it to the beautiful wedding. The bride and groom looked amazing and the reception was a blast! The second set of bad news was the baby and Shawn both got strep. The baby's was external, and it was very scary to have a two month old on antibiotics, but he bounced back within 24 hours of being on his medication.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

2 months

At Two Months:
Sleeping for up to 5 hrs (on the eve of his 2 month bday he slept from midnight til 5:45!)
Talking to me all day and sometimes at 3 a.m.
Grown out of newborn clothes and some 0-3
Smiling and cooing so much and wanting to laugh
Finally understanding that his hands can sooth him like his binki
He weighs 11.5 pounds and is 23 inches

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

1st Mother's Day

I had a wonderful first mother's day. Starbucks in bed, breakfast made by Shawn and my dad, flowers from my sister a card, truffles and a personalized necklace from Nolan, a long stroll in the park with a photo shoot and Via Della Pace some of the best and our favorite Italian in NYC for dinner!

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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Baby Changes and First Baseball Game

These past two weeks have brought a lot of changes with the little guy. He is actively "talking" to and mocking Shawn and me all day. He is so cute when he smiles and coos. He even discovered his tongue and likes to move it around and stick it's pretty hilarious. His legs, arms and hands are very strong, and we can tell he is almost ready to pick things up. I think I heard him start to laugh a couple days ago. My dad has been in town and Nolan LOVES his Papa. He even babysat when I went to a wine event.

On Friday we went to the Mets/Giants game at Citi Field. We had amazing seats for Nolan's first game. This kid was sitting VIP. Most people don't sit 14 rows behind home plate ever in their lives let alone for their first game! It was such a treat to have my dad and sister at the game. My cousin Matt and his wife Amy were also able to join us at the last minute for the game, so that made it that much better! Our friend from Memphis, Hark, was there also and had the connection for the great seats. The Giants lost, but we saw 6 home runs!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Summer in Springtime

We have had some crazy weather in NYC this weekend. It was in the 80's yesterday and today. We decided to take advantage of the weather and living right next to Central Park and had a picnic with Auntie Katie and Melissa. It was perfect in the shade!