Monday, April 18, 2011

13 Months

I wasn't sure if I would keep doing the monthly blog for Nolan now that he is over a year, but there is so much changing about him that I just had to!!

As you can see in the previous post we have a walker on our hands. Just over two weeks ago he started to walk a few steps here and there. His favorite part of learning to walk was walking a couple steps and as soon as he would fall, he sit up and clap for himself!! Over the past three days, he is walking way more then crawling. When he used to fall he'd be fine with crawling, but now he picks himself back up and walks!

We've also added some new signs. He now can sign please and thank you. We also taught him thumbs up this weekend. It is so hilarious to see him working so hard to only put his thumb in the air..........over half of the time his pointer finger is up too, but we know what he means! He also loves to "answer the phone." We'll say bring, bring, and he'll put his hand up to his ear and say hello! So cute!!

We set up a new play area for Nolan. We got him a cute little table and chairs, but we soon found out that he's not ready for the chairs. Shawn, Katie, and I were all here, but he quickly and silently climbed up the chair and onto the table. YIKES! The chairs now live behind the coffee table up against the wall! He is still very vocal and persistent. He knows what he wants, and he's happy to express when is unhappy or happy!!

We just keep having more fun with Nolan. It is so crazy how quickly he went from a baby to a little boy. He brings so much excitement and happiness to our lives. We just love our NB!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Walking and Yankee Game

Look Who's Walking! Nolan took his first steps on my bday, but he really started to move the next day at his Friday playdate.

The next day we took Nolan to his first Yankee Game. He loved all of it.....the game, music and all the people around us. He went to two Mets games last year, but he is so much more aware now. It was a different story this time.
I love the picture below. He looks like he's a little Bronx newsie!!

We had awesome seats. All three MLB games this kid has been to we've had seats behind home plate. Lucky duck!