Friday, November 20, 2009

John Mayer

Shawn and I scored last minute tickets to John Mayer's CD release party at the Beacon Theatre. It was a great show, and we had awesome seats. For all of those who are not that into JM, I say go to a show and you will change your mind! The Beacon Theatre in just a few blocks from our house and is totally remodeled and gorgeous. If you're in NYC and someone you want to see if playing there, go and check it out! On the way home from the show we caught John coming out of the Theatre and getting into his car. I pretty much felt like part of the paparatzi, but I got a good picture of him.

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Monday, November 2, 2009

Knicks Home Opener/Halloween/NYC Marathon

It was a busy weekend here in NYC. The Knicks had their home opener on Halloween which they sadly lost in over time, but the game presentation, Shawn's job, was totally great! The player intro's were sweet and the Jaabowakeez were and awesome addition to the opening act and did a great half time show. If you don't know who the Jaabowakeez are you should look them up on youtube or google. They're an awesome dance troop from SoCal.After the game we got dressed up and went to a Halloween party at a club in Midtown. There were a ton of great costumes, but I have to give myself props for suggesting that Shawn should be Alan from the Hangover! People totally loved it! I went as Juno.

Sunday was the New York City Marathon. The finish line is right next to our apartment. After our 2nd Annual Race Day Brunch we headed to the park to cheer on the runners. Our good friend Adam was running the race and we were there to cheer him on for his last 400 yards! It was his first, and probably last, marathon!