Monday, February 20, 2012

So much chatting, so little time

I can't believe that we are just a little over a month away from Nolan's 2nd birthday.  We have already been struggling with the terrible two's, and I'm loving that everyday Nolan is able to verbally communicate better.  He's really starting to form sentences, and it is so cute when he puts something new together, and you can tell just how proud of himself he is.  He's pushed back both his wake up and nap time!  He's normally up at 7 a.m. and goes down for a nap at 1 p.m.  He is still very into his schedules, and I swear some days he knows what day of the week it is and what activity we have.

The Newest Nolanisms:

  • Roll Call.  Nolan likes to shout out names at about 5 a.m.
  • "Mama, Dada, Papa, Tatie, Uncle!"  He saw a pic from Mexico on my dad's wall and was totally into yelling out our names!
  • "Ummm, Mama, wh is dis?"
  • "Uh oh, es hot dog? Der de dis!!"  translation: Oh no, where is Mickey he is.
  • "Mama peeeese ouside is tolla"  Mom can we please go outside and can I run with my stroller
  • "Peeeeeeeeeeeeeese, hume, hume" Please can I watch TV and eat
  • "oh no, is ouside."  After he dropped a car out the window, he says "Oh no mom, I dropped the car out the window into our neighbor's back yard."
  • Ges Geese =  yes please
  • Thank too
  • "ahhhhhh sis juuuuuu" It's apple juice
  • "ahhhhhhhhhhhh buzz peeeese" Please can I watch Toy Story
  • AHHHHHHH Caaaaa (a car in a Boston accent!)
  • HOOOO< HOOO = trains
  • ninne = Minnie Mouse
  • wata, wata, wata = milk
  • bah, bah with one finger in the air = more please
He says a tons of other word, but I love that he is trying to create sentences.  I know there are so many other things he says, but you would all be super bored with them, and this is a good record of where he is now!  Also, the biting and hitting have decreased a lot.  I'm glad that we're coming out of that phase!