Wednesday, February 16, 2011

11 Months

Is it possible that my next Nolan update will be for his first birthday!?!?! Every year I've lived in NYC has flown by, and it feels like the past 11 months have hands down been the fastest.

The start of 10 months was rough. Between battling a series of colds and separation issues, Nolan spent one to many nights sleeping next to me. He was so fussy and annoyed with not being able to verbally communicate. Finally, a little over a week ago, my fun and fairly easy baby was back in action.

This month has show a lot of understanding signs. He is now a professional waver and loves to throw his hands up in the air for "So Big!" He's also still been working on his dance moves, standing, walking and talking. He started to blow kisses and give kisses and is able to point out some body parts, the nose being his favorite. He is very good with this pointer finger, he loves when you give him a high 1. It has also been great for me to figure out what he is looking at. He likes to point at all kinds of things, and then I tell him what they are! He also knows how to brush his hair and teeth. Ok, so not very well, but at least he puts the toothbrush in his mouth and attempts to brush his hair with the hairbrush, It's pretty hilarious. He also is starting to share, and I love it. He likes to eat a bite of his food then hand it to me, or he tries to put his binky or bottle into my mouth. It's all kind of gross, but what can a mom do? :)

This week has finally been a little bit warmer, and we've been able to go to the park. It has been great to let Nolan crawl around the playground and spend some time on the swings. I really think the fresh air is not only good for him, but for ME! It's been a long and snowy winter. We're ready for spring!

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1 comment:

HiLLjO said...

What a cute li'l guy!!!

I found your blog because my fiance and my names are Shawn & Hillary. How cool!