Monday, September 20, 2010

6 months, a day in the life of NB

Typical Day for the babe:
6 a.m. wake up hungry and ready for a bottle
Stay up and play for 10 minutes or an hour and a half, really depends on the day, then back to bed for a short cat nap with mom.
9 a.m. SOLIDS! Nolan is liking carrots and LOVING sweet potatoes.

10 a.m. bottle, play time and maybe a nap. This is also running errands time for mom.
1 p.m. bottle, play time at the park or in the house. Nolan is getting much better at rolling over and has finally started to sit on his own. It's pretty amazing how quickly they develop new skills.

4 p.m. bottle and play time for the rest of the evening. We normally venture over to the Central Park swings. If it's really nice, we'll even set up a blanket in the park and people watch.

6 p.m. rice cereal
7 p.m. bottle, books and bedtime. He's normally down for the night by 7:45.
I have to say it's been really nice to be able to have dinner with Shawn and have quiet evenings!

Nolan is loving all of his chew toys, especially Sophie and her friend the mushroom. He still puts everything in his mouth and loves to play tough of war! We love our little munchkin more and more every day. He's a sweet, happy and fairly laid back little guy. I can't wait to see what the next few months have in store. Maybe some teeth and crawling?


kds said...

hillary & shawn,

he is so cute! thanks for sharing. hope all is well with you guys.

Heather said...

So fun! Isn't it great when they start to eat solids? I can't wait to see Nolan again. AND I can't wait to hear all about your Paris adventure. Glad to hear that he likes Sophie the Giraffe. That toy is everyone's favorite.