Sunday, November 25, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Gobble, gobble, it's official, I have 3 full Thanksgiving dinners under my belt. I cooked for four hours on Wednesday. It was so great to get most of the cooking out of the way and be able to relax and only worry about the turkey and mashed potatoes on Thanksgiving.

This year we had brunch on Thanksgiving morning. Bridget made her mom's Monkey Bread. It seems to be a mid-western thing. I'll tell you what, it was better then hot cinnamon rolls from Sweet Affair! We also had an egg bake and Bellini's (an Italian drink...white peach puree and champagne!)

Once brunch was over, it was turkey time. Shawn rinsed and cleaned the turkey. He later carved it. I had all the food hot and ready at the same time. I think that's one of the main reasons I love cooking on Thanksgiving. There is something about the challenge of getting every thing hot and on the table at one time that I love. This year I even made a pumpkin pie from scratch. For those of you who know my cooking style, baking is something that I rarely do!
Thanksgiving is also a great day to really take a minute and remember the things that you're thankful for. This year, like most, I am thankful for good health, great friends and of course my loving family!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad your Turkey Day went without sink problems~!
